Mobile Crash Analytics & Reporting

Flurry Crash Analytics for iOS and Android delivers updates in real time to help you determine the root cause of any issue and minimize impact. You’ll receive a clear description of each issue, which devices and operating systems are impacted, and when the issue was last seen.

Easily Monitor Crashes

Flurry saves you time in your busy day with our App Survey Dashboard. We conveniently compile all your Android and iOS mobile apps in one clean interface to make scanning for crashes across your app portfolio quick and easy. Or dive into each app in the Single App Overview to begin fixing crashes, errors, and exceptions.

With Flurry’s mobile app, get an alert directly on your mobile phone as soon as a crash, error, or exception is detected. And with easy Jira integration, Flurry will automatically create a ticket with a detailed crash report the first time a crash occurs.

Identify the Cause

Upload your mapping files to get the crash log and analyze the detailed stack trace to see every call that led to a crash. Filter crash data by app version, operating system, device model, and more, to understand scale and severity so you can plan the right corrective measures.

Avoid SDK Bloat

The best part is Flurry’s Crash analytics is bundled with our lightweight Analytics SDK. You don’t need to install two SDKs into your mobile application just to run your app business. Now, you can get all your app analytics and crash analytics in one place.


Flurry device crash rate chart

Getting Started is Simple and Free!

Easily set up the Flurry SDK for your app.